Match Day 3 Results

Match day 3 results are out. Congratulations to the winners! A nice day with lots of roach, cats and a surprise bass of 1,6kg and a carp of just over 1kg! This was the “heaviest” match this year with 58kg of fish caught. A big thank you to our sponsor KN Fishing for the medals and nice Yuki gifts! See you all after the summer break on 9/10/2016 at Asprokremos! *The results have been amended retrospectively to include Petros Polis and exclude Kyriakos Koushiappas as discussed during the awards of match day 3. *The voting for the non-Cypriot team member for Bulgaria came out to: Dimitar Dimitrov: 7 German Criganuta: 5   MD3 Results Official result table 2016 (md3)Weight (md3)

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