Official feeder rules 2025

Please read Fish Float club feeder rules according to the FIPsed rules.




Cyprus Fishing Club Fish Float




-1-    Official fish float club competitions shall only be organized by the fish float club committee in Cyprus.

The  organizing  committee of the club  shall  be responsible for the

Competitions held and the enforcement of the official Rules and the running of the event

-2-    Only current members of the fish float  club, whom have  fully  paid  their  annual  membership  fees  will  be  allowed  to

participate in competitions.

All trophies shall feature a plate, carrying a Fish Float Club engraving or Fish Float Club logo

as well as the place and date of the championship.


3-    The selected venue shall be as straight as possible;  it shall offer equal fishing conditions

for all competitors. Furthermore, the venue shall allow anglers to stand in a continuous

line, thus being free –  to the extent possible  –  from any obstacle  such as power lines,

bridges etc. The venue shall not expose the competitors or the spectators to any kind of


One or more members of the Technical Commission shall inspect the venue that may be

selected for a championship, and said inspection shall take place at the same time of the

year  as  to  that  proposed  for  the  organization  of  the  competition  under  consideration.

The  organizers  shall  see  to  it  that  all  registration  forms  are  duly filled  in  and  carry  the

mobile  phone  numbers  of  one  delegate  and  one  captain.  Addresses  and  emergency

telephone numbers (police, fire-fighters, hospitals, etc.) shall be provided in the program


-6-     During the competitions,  all  competitors  shall  have  a  12  (min) to  30  metres  (max)  long

angling  position  (peg);  20  metres  is  the  optimum  size.  The  width  of  the  pegs  shall  be

defined together with the Technical Commission.

The angling positions shall be well defined so to be far from the spectators; to this end, it

is possible to erect a fence or set up ropes at an appropriate distance from the shore (we

recommend  a  distance  of  at  least  10  metres);  furthermore,  a  corridor  for  authorised

people  (organizers,  reserves,  captains,  press,  and  Jury)  shall  be  created  between  the

anglers and the spectators.

This  official  corridor  shall  under  no  circumstances  be  occupied  by  fishing  tackle.  One

infraction = 1 oral warning, a 2nd infraction = yellow.


-4- Meeting DRAW

Sunday morning 7.00 a.m. Drawing of lots to attribute anglers their competition pegs in the various sectors for the day


-8-     Lots  for  each  leg  shall  be  drawn  out  at  least  60  minutes  before  the  beginning  of  the competition.





-11-  a)  Each competitor shall  have 120  minutes to get ready. As soon as the anglers arrive at

the venue, they  shall  wear  their back numbers and deposit all their equipment  inside

the allotted peg, without entering the peg (these rules also apply to those who help the

anglers  transport  their  equipment).  Anglers  shall  not  be  allowed  to  prepare  their

equipment until the official starting signal is given, indicating  that the competitors are

allowed to enter their pegs.(It will be a yellow card if the angler starts preparations before the signal)


Competitors may not receive any help while getting ready

(during the preparation stage, Unless permission is given due to a disability or injury). Any material may be handed over to the anglers before the baiting signal, but only by each individual steward. After  the signal, it shall be forbidden to hand over any kind of material (baits, ground baits and equipment) to the competitors, except for  pieces of broken rods, which may be replaced through the individual  stewards. Individual stewards may also help anglers to unfasten any

possible stuck rod parts or landing net handles.


Before the starting signal is given, the anglers or any third person shall be allowed to prepare their baits and ground baits outside the peg. After the signal is given, that the anglers are allowed to enter their pegs, they shall be handed over the baits and ground baits prepared during the preparation stage. It shall be possible to continue preparing the baits and ground baits; it may be done by a third person outside the ring, or by the anglers inside their pegs. Such operations shall be allowed until the signal is given for the start of the checks on baits and ground baits. (1 hour before the start of the competition)

When the aforesaid signal is given, the baits and ground baits shall be located in the angler’s peg and no additional change or inclusion shall be allowed until the checks are performed. The ground baits shall be presented ready for use; sealed bags shall not be authorized. After the checks, the anglers shall not be allowed to receive any additional baits and/or ground baits.

Small containers with additives for the dipping of hooking baits shall be allowed.

  1. b) If the control of baits and ground baits has not been carried out, competitors are not authorized to angle.
  2. c) Should any angler use a short fish net (shorter 3.50 metres), he/she shall get a yellow card. Should the same athlete be found with a shorter net during another championship, he/she shall be disqualified.
  3. d) Competitors may reach the venue by their personal means of transportation.
  4. e) Alcohol drinks at the venue are forbidden during the competition. Smoking permission depends on the referee or the organising committee’s decision.


   The  general  steward  ) shall:


  1. a) Verify the quantity of ground bait [this shall be measured when ready to use (wet and sieved) including earth, gravel, corn maize, wheat, hempseed, etc. and other additives that are not toxic for the fauna and the water environment].

This quantity will be communicated in the competitions’ program in  conformity with the decisions taken by the F.I.P.S.e.d. Steering   Committee, on advice of the Technical Committee.

The use of pellets, boilies or any other kind of agglomerated ground baits is not allowed for hooking and ground baiting.

  1. b) Verification of the overall quantity of baits will be communicated in the morning before the drawing of the lots/pegs. This will be in conformity with the decisions taken by the Fish float Club committee.

All  baits  shall  be measured without being pressed or compacted. Earthworms shall be presented entire (not-cut)

  1. c) Each individual angler has to present his/hers ground baits, baits and liquids for quantities inspection as advised at the morning meeting. In the event of non-compliance, the competitor shall be reprimanded
  2. d) Collect any surplus/left of baits and ground baits after the control.


The individual steward must:

  1. a) Control the keep-net;
  2. b) Control the angling behaviour of the competitor he/she is responsible for.


When an individual or sector steward ascertains an irregularity, he   must immediately warn the competitor assigned to him (and the international jury (committee member)

in case the seriousness of the infringement requires it)  without any

interference by a third party


  1. d) Keep an eye, at the end of the competition, on the fish caught by the angler and forbid access to the angling position to any  unauthorised  person until the arrival of the weighing team. Together with the angler, the individual steward shall sign the weighing sheet stating the weight of the fish


The ground baits shall be presented at the checks in graduated buckets, and the baits in “official size” boxes. Competitors shall imperatively be equipped with their own buckets and boxes of the allowed size.

Sieving of ground baits (through a sieve, hamper, landing nets’ tip and others) and mixing (with electric mixer) are forbidden once the checks have been carried out.

From the start of the checks on  baits and ground  baits   until  the end  of the competition the use of sprayers only is allowed to  re-moist ground baits and earths as well as to stick and preserve the baits.


After the checks and until the end of the competition,  it shall be allowed to add additives, powder or liquid, for a maximal amount of 100 ml.


Any angler caught in the act (flagrante delicto), after the controls, of having more baits or ground baits than the quantities allowed for the competition, shall be given a red card. Red cards penalty points are the bottom ranked point + 1 additional penalty point.


-14-  The composition of ground baits and baits shall  be of natural origin. It is forbidden to use metal  products.

Artificial  baits  of  whatever  material  (polystyrene,  rubber,  sponge,  etc.) such as fake maggots, silkworms, moths, bloodworms, earthworms, etc. are prohibited.

It is forbidden to fish with spoons, artificial flies, baits made by using living or dead fish (or fishes’ parts), or other animal species such as frogs or fish roe.

-15-  The competition shall take place by sectors,  in  one  leg of 5  hours (schedule recommended: 10.00 a.m. to 03.00 p.m.).

In the event of a forced interruption (e.g. a thunderstorm, demonstration, natural disaster etc.), the Jury/committee may validate the leg, provided that it lasted at least 2 hours.

The Jury/committee can decide to reduce the duration of the leg, if it is not possible to complete the 5 hour allocated competitions time due to natural disasters

-16-  Each competitor is expected to fully abide by the competition rules.

-17-  Only single hooks are allowed and the maximal span between the tip and the shank must be 7 mm (n. 10).


Should a member of the Jury/committee notice or be led to record,  during a leg, the obvious infringement of the article 35 and of Paragraph 1 of article 17, he/she may call for checks on the angler’s line or ask to verify the length of the rod of the angler under consideration, without  waiting  for  the  end  of  the  leg.  Should  the  angler  under  consideration  refuse  to undergo the aforementioned checks or should he/she modify his/her line, he/she shall be brought before the Jury/committee

Baits used on the hook shall  not be: (mixture of substances or baits such as the pellet, boilies, balls of ground bait or pasted baits, etc.) these are forbidden.

The catching of a fish is valid even if it is accidentally hooked outside its mouth.

If a fish caught by an angler hangs the neighbouring angler’s line,  outside his fishing zone, the fish shall be deemed valid on condition  that the two lines during the fishing action get free before the fish is caught in the landing net.


If two anglers, both caught a fish (2 fishes) and the two anglers lines hang on each other, the two fishes shall be deemed valid on  condition that the two lines during the fishing action gets free before the fish are caught/landed.

If two anglers’ lines remain hung on each other after the catch, the fish (1 or 2) shall be deemed invalid and shall immediately be put back into the water.

Deliberate foul hooking of fish is prohibited.

Using echo sounders is prohibited during official training and competition days.

Using drones is prohibited, both during competition and training, except for the sole purpose of media productions, authorized by the Committee.

It is prohibited to define the angling distance by means of any mechanical or electronic aid.

During the competition, anglers shall not be allowed to use any auricular, telephone or walkie-talkie.

In the event of a line breakage, the Fish must be able to free itself from the Feeder at all times. In-line Feeders and ” link attached” Feeders must always slide freely on the line. There may be no Feeder stops placed between the Feeder and the reel.

Feeder-Links should be of sufficient strength to prevent breakage when casting.

In the case of use of a shock-leader, to prevent self-hooking shock-leaders  must be a minimum of 1 meter.

Only the “Feeder” fishing technique is allowed. The “Feeder”  (ground baiting  cage)  is compulsory on all rods assemblage during the competition.


The “feeder method” angling technique is forbidden.


For fishing and for ground baiting, besides the rods conceived for feeder fishing, the rods conceived for other fishing techniques are allowed (i.e. carp fishing, shore angling, etc.).


Concerning the end of the line, the minimum distance between the hook and the feeder (hook-length) is 50 cm. Such distance shall be measured between the lower edge of the feeder and the hook.


All commercial or artisanal feeders made of metal, plastic or any other material, whatever the model (cylindrical, parallelepiped, etc.), are authorized,  subject to respecting:


  • the maximal length of 7 cm, the maximal width or diameter of 5 cm and the minimal weight of 15 g;


  • the minimal length of 1.5 cm and the minimal width or diameter of  1.5 cm.


Feeders  can  be  used  empty  or  containing  ground baits  and/or  baits  during  the  angling



Ground baits are only allowed inside the feeder cage.


-18-  Competitors  may  keep  and  assemble  as  many  rods  as  they  wish, but they are only allowed to fish with one rod at any time, which shall be kept in the hands or placed on the stand. Such rod shall compulsorily feature a reel and a feeder.  The spare rods shall not be baited and the feeders shall not be ready with ground bait.


Only casting is authorized. During casting, the pickup shall be open and the line and the reel must not be blocked with the finger.


When a fish is caught, angling shall be forbidden until the caught fish is put in the landing net.


-19-  Competitors may not receive any support in landing fish.


-20-  Competitors are not allowed to receive any external help


-21-  The use of platforms with a maximum size of 1 x 1 metre is allowed; the competitors may stand on them. They shall be installed in a straight line, clear of the water or, if necessary, partially inside the water (this decision will be taken by the committee) Additional platforms may  be set up in line with the main platform, but only for placing the equipment.


-22-  Competitors may use the space allotted to them however they wish.

Inside the peg allotted to them, the anglers shall move discretely and noiselessly.

It  shall  be  forbidden  to  angle  and  throw  bait  or  ground  bait  in  the  pegs  upstream  or downstream  (left  and  right). The control of  this rule compliance is the exclusive responsibility of the members of the Jury/committee, the general steward/referee of the sector or the

steward assigned to the competitor. In no case will interference from third parties (Captains, Delegates, Athletes, spectators, etc.) be allowed.


The  fish  exiting  the  peg  and  sighted  in  the  peg  of  adjacent  competitors  shall  be considered valid; however, if a line with a fish caught is hooked by a neighbour’s line, the fish shall be deemed  valid  only  on  condition  that  it  satisfies  the  provisions  of  article  17.

Otherwise, the fish  must be put back into the water without delay.  Should a competitor refuse  to  do  so  and  should  he/she  put  the  fish  under  consideration  into  his/her  net, without previous authorization, during the final weighing phase the person in charge of weighing shall weigh the biggest fish separately and take note of the weight of the fish concerned on the competitor’s  card.  The  Jury  shall  then  decide  whether  to  deduct  the weight of the fish concerned from the total weight. The competitor shall be given a yellow warning card (see list of warnings), if the catch is not deemed valid.

Only the holders of a press licence or of any other accreditation document will be entitled to have a badge for having access into the corridors reserved to captains and to reserves.


-23-  Anglers   shall   wait   for   the   first   signal   before   entering   their   peg;  after   the   signal, competitors may start preparing their equipment, measuring the water depth only with the use  of a lead (feeder is not allowed), trying their lines, preparing their ground baits  and putting their keep-nets into the water. They shall be allowed  120  minutes to perform said preparatory operations; anglers are not allowed to get out of their pegs during preparation.

The baits and ground baits controls will start 1 hour before heavy ground baiting will begin.


After the second signal, competitors shall be allowed to start heavy baiting (15 minutes are allowed for this operation).

Ground baiting is only allowed by feeder and this with no end of line  and  no  hook. It  is  formally  forbidden  to  use  hands,  catapult,  cup  or  any  other device for ground baiting.


The third signal shall mark the beginning of the competition.


The fourth signal shall mark the end of the competition; after this signal, only the caught fish that is already out of the water shall be included in the fish count.


The acoustic signals for the different phases of the  championships shall  be short; in all cases, the beginning of the signal is taken into consideration.


-24-  During the competition, individual stewards shall stand behind the anglers, on their right or left side, in such a way that they do not bother the anglers but can still count the fish caught by  the competitors. Keep-nets shall be positioned so that the stewards  can see them; the fish shall be put in the keep-nets and kept alive until the weighing team arrives.




-25-  The weighing operations shall be performed by 3 members.

One person shall be responsible for weighing.

Another person shall write down the weights in the official record.

One shall be in charge of all other handling operations. One scale shall be available in each sector. The containers used to weigh the fish shall feature holes, so as to allow for water drainage.

Weights shall be recorded in grams.

When very small fish such as fry are caught, which do  not register on the scales (scales scoring 0 grams), the fishermen shall be ranked  based on the number of fishes caught, and then ranked after those fishermen who were ranked based on to the weight of the fish they have caught.


-26-  Until the arrival of the weighing team, competitors shall leave their keep-nets with the fish in the water. The fish shall be handled with care by a member of the weighing team; they shall be weighed, not counted; after the weighing, the fish shall be put back into the keep-net of the angler who caught them, and the keep-net shall be  put  back  into  the  water without delay. Only after the fish of all anglers of the sector is weighed, shall the person in charge of weighing, order to put the fish back into the water. This shall allow  double checking weight in the event of any complaints. The fish shall  be put back into the water with the utmost care.


-27-  Each  competitor  shall  witness  the  weighing  operations  in  order to  confirm  and  sign  the weighing  sheet  carrying  the  weight  of  the  fish  he/she  has  caught.  After  the  end  of  the weighing operations in a sector, after the fish is put back into the water and the weighing sheet has been signed, no weight-related complaints shall be accepted.




-28-  A Jury  shall  be appointed to examine any complaints lodged and to apply penalties, as per the rules; the Jury shall be established at the morning meeting.

The Jury shall consist of the following members:

–    President, or a substitute delegated by the President;

–    General Secretary;

–   The members of  Committee;

–  The Jury members shall be at least 3.

If this number is not reached, some delegates from different Nations shall be chosen by drawing lots. These  delegates  shall  be  enrolled  on  the  team  registration  form;  captains  cannot  be appointed as delegates.

The  members  of  the  Jury  shall  wear  a  “Jury”  badge,  and  shall  be  at  the  competition venue to receive any complaint. A place where one or  more members of the Jury are available, shall be indicated.


-29-  Any complaints, except for those concerning the rankings, shall be submitted to the Jury within 1 hour after the end of the leg. Complaints shall be lodged verbally, but they shall immediately be confirmed in writing. Should they deem it necessary, the Jury may watch any  video  or  look  at  any  picture  produced  by  the  delegate  of  the  team  filing  the complaint.


Complaints concerning the ranking shall be lodged within 30 minutes after publishing of the official results. The publishing time shall be recorded in the official result list.




-31-  The penalties shall be as follows:


  1. a) Oral warming for the infringement of article 6 (third §).
  2. b) Warning (yellow card) for the infringement of articles 11a, 11b, 11c, 11f,  12c, 13, 16,19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26 and after a second  warning  for  the  infringement  of article 6 (third §).
  3. c) Disqualification (red card) for the infringement of articles 12a, 12c (last §), 14, 17, 18,35,38,39.2 and 40 and after a second warning for the infringement of articles

6 (third §), 11a, 11b, 11c, 11f, 12c, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 26.

  1. d) Warning on the Nation for the infringement of article 37c.
  2. e) When an angler is disqualified, a number of points equal to the number of participating +1 will be assigned to him/her.

If an angler is disqualified, the anglers  below  him/her  in  the  ranking  shall  keep  their  original  ranking  (for example:  if  angler  X  who  ranked  8    is  disqualified,  the  following  anglers  shall

keep their rankings and shall mark 9 points, 10 points, and so on).


  1. G) Any warning given to a competitor shall be recorded in the competitor’s file or on the weight sheet

Any new infringement shall be considered as a “relapse”, and the Jury shall make its decision considering such new infringement and the  list of penalties.




  1. c) In the event of a tie on weight, the ranking shall be established based on the highest number of fishes caught.
  2. d) If a tie still exists, the competitors shall be ranked based on the highest number of drawn pegs.




If there are a total of 18 registered anglers for the championship, the penalty points system will work as follows:

  • 3 zones by 6 and maximum points will be 6.

(6 + 1 = 7 for penalty if you miss a competition)

For any number of anglers lower than 18, the ranking will be as follows:

  • Total anglers of 17- 3 zones with maximum penalty of 5

A 6, B6, C5

  • Total anglers of 16- 3 zones with maximum penalty of 5

A6, B5, C5

  • Total anglers of 15- 3 zones with maximum penalty of 5

A5, B5, C5

(5 + 1 = 6 for penalty if you miss a competition)


When the number of anglers are 14, there will be only 2 zones allocated, but the maximum penalty point will still remain 5 and 5+1 =6 if any angler missed a competition

  • Example: A) 1,2,3,4,5,5,5 B) 1,2,3,4,5,5,5


Note that if the registered number of anglers at the beginning of the year are 18, the penalty for missing a competition will be 6 +1 =7 for the entire year even if the angler number decreases to 14 with two zones.

For 24 anglers it will be 8 + 1= 9


  • At the end of championships the angler can take out his worst results only by points, all weight during 6 rounds will count.
  • If an angler missed 1 round, his worst result can be taken out, but 1 penalty point will still remain and count!!
  • Competition day rankings for individuals will be determined by the best 3 zone ranked results. With 3 anglers having the same ranking (1/first in section), the heaviest weight of the competitor will determine the final ranking
  • When all 3 anglers have the same sector points, and the same weight, then the number of fish will determine the best ranking. When all three are the same, then the individual with the highest drawn peg number will be the victor( as per article 33 (ranking by sector)
  • The same rule applies for the year end rankings determining the top anglers of the year. Best 5 sector/competition results, then weight of total fish caught.


-35-  The length of the rods is limited to  4.50 (15 feet) metres maximum.



  -37-  a) Official training shall take place at the venue 8 days before the competition, club committee  can change the venue/place( in case of emergency due to Cyprus weather conditions and water levels) within a minimum of 9 days before the competition.




-38-  It is strictly forbidden to place competitors  at a distance of less than  25 metres,  on both sides, from any electrical plant (electrical lines, transformers, trellises, etc.).






No angler shall be  allowed to access his/her  peg  or prepare his/her  material; a signal shall  indicate the postponement of the access into the angling  peg  or the end of the preparation  phase.  If  the  weather  or  water-related  conditions  and  the  competition

schedule allow, the leg may be regularly performed.


If the weather or water-related  conditions do not improve or the competition  schedule does  not  allow,  the  leg  shall  simply  be  cancelled.  The  cancelled  leg  shall  not  be considered when making the rankings, which shall be established based on the results of the held leg. The cancelled leg shall not be held at a later stage.




The leg shall immediately be stopped (a 1 signal will be emitted by the organizers)

and all competitors shall take shelter outside the  pegs. If the weather or water-related conditions allow, the leg shall then continue and a 2nd  signal shall inform the anglers that  they  may  return  to  their  pegs;  a  3rd  signal,  5  minutes  later,  shall  authorize  the competitors to resume angling (heavy ground baiting is forbidden).


Maximum 2 breaks shall be authorised in one  leg, and their overall duration shall not exceed one (1) hour; otherwise, the leg shall be stopped for good.


The Jury may shorten the duration of a leg if the competition schedule does not allow angling for 5 hours.


A  leg  shall  be  validated  if  it  lasted  at  least  2  hours.  The  break(s)  time  shall  not  be considered when calculating the duration of a leg.

Should  the  weather  or  water-related  conditions  not  allow  to  duly  carry  out  a competition, the Jury may decide to cancel one leg. Said leg shall not be postponed and the  ranking shall be drawn up based on the leg that was actually carried out. The cancelled leg shall not be held again.





During  a  championship,  the  anglers  selected  to  undergo  anti-doping  controls  shall imperatively go to the designated place at the indicated time,  following F.I.P.S.e.d.’s or

the Jury’s guidelines.

Any angler selected to  undergo anti-doping checks who does not

report  for  the  controls  shall  be  disqualified  from  the  competition  and  shall  be  given  a penalty  corresponding to the bottom rank in the ranking + 1, for all the competition days









________________                                               _____________


Vadim Lazitski                                                        Mathew  Theodorus May

      President                                                              Secretary