Float MD4 Results

Match day 4 results. What a start to the second half of the float championship. A total of over 115kg caught!
As expected the catfish played a big part of the game being caught on the short line (4m-9m). The roach were also present with good sizes however small in numbers.
The bonus fish Tilapia also appeared unexpectedly as none were caught during the practice days. The biggest one caught by German Criganuta came in at 2.3kg! Pictures coming soon.
German is also the holder of the new club record of the biggest weight caught in a match. 20.920kg! To celebrate this a new section will appear in our website sidebar with the current weight record holder, so club members can remember the weight to beat 😉
A big thank you to our sponsor Super Action Stores Cyprus for the gift vouchers and medals and the luck he brought opening the second half of the championship.
See you all soon on 29th October at the same place in Dipotamos for MD5!

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